Definition of "Diarrhea"

Last modified: 1 day

Diarrhea is at least 3+ loose/liquid bowel movements per day. D&V is diarrhea and vomiting.

Diarrhea can be short term or persistent (>2 weeks), and watery or bloody (known as dysentery).

Patient information

Plop... plop... plop... diarrhea means you have watery stool, right?
It can. The exact definition is 3 or more bowel movements per day. It can be liquid, but it can also be loose.

  • Often lasts for few days
  • Can cause dehydration due to fluid loss, where Sx of dehydration includes:
    • Loss of skin turgor
    • Changes in personality
    • Decreased urination
    • Pallor (loss of skin color)
    • Tachycardia (fast heart rate)
    • Decreased level of consciousness, as it becomes more severe

Patient information

What happens when you have liquid or loose stools?
It usually goes on for a few days. It can cause dehydration because of the fluid loss, and so can show things you'll get when you're dehydrated, like loss of normal stretchiness of the skin, decreased urination, loss of skin color, fast heart rate. It can also cause your personality to change, and decreased consciousness.

  • Infectious, known as gastroenteritis (i.e. infection of intestines due to virus/bacteria/parasite), due to food/water contaminated by stool/another infected person
  • Non-infectious, including:
    • Hyperthyroidism
    • Lactose intolerance
    • Inflammatory bowel disease
    • Numerous drugs
    • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Loose but non-watery stools in babies who are breastfed, may be NORMAL

Patient information

What causes liquid or loose stools?
There is infectious stuff, and stuff that's not infectious. So infectious obviously every type of gastro that you can think on the face of the earth, so any sort of infection by virus, bacteria, parasite...

Anything non-infectious that can cause liquid or loose stools?
Yeah, other diseases of the tummy system. Like Crohn's or ulcerative colitis. You can have lactose intolerance. Drugs can also cause problems. And hormone things, like hyperthyroidism.

  • Usually, stool cultures are not required to confirm the exact cause
  • Prevention, by improved sanitation (clean drinking water, hand washing)
  • Vaccination against rotavirus
  • Breastfeeding for at least 6 months
  • Rehydration if dehydrated

Patient information

What can you do about liquid or loose stools?
Apart from preventing it in the first place with good sanitation? You can vaccinate against the common bugs. Breastfeeding helps, in kids. And if a kid is dehydrated, giving them water.

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